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Paris, July 7, 2005

Post 1


What is there to say? The worst kind of blind violence : it targets people regardless of nationality, creed or political orientation and can serve no cause. Even the IRA gave warnings. I remember one IRA bombing alert in the late 70s in London. I also remember when all the left luggage areas closed down. There was a consensus against such violence then.

But already some are trying to make cheap political capital out of this senseless carnage : the George Galloways, the Duncan Allisons of real life and ML.

I can't say how hurt I have been by the ridiculous musings of a few deranged types (in the Bull) that the French might be behind it. It was the early hours, but that's no excuse. What sort of parallel world do these people live in? They are ready to believe any sort of conspiracy theory. It makes you despair of the human race.

Paris, July 7, 2005

Post 2

Polly Tunnel


I'm so sorry that you've had to read these ridiculous suggestions that these atrocities might be a Parisienne revenge for the Olympics going to London. There have been times today when I've been so proud of the way people over here have reacted and at others thoroughly embarrassed.


Paris, July 7, 2005

Post 3


Just to echo Polly's sentiments Martine. Unfortunately there are people everywhere (even in ML) who open their mouths/hit their keyboards before putting their brains into gear.

Paris, July 7, 2005

Post 4


Sadly, Polly and Annie are right Martine. To start speculating about the perpetrators of yesterdays events is premature, to make such a ridiculous suggestions is offensive, not only to the French, but to all sensible, rational people and I’m sorry they upset you.


Paris, July 7, 2005

Post 5

dean volecape

Martine, some people do say very stupid things at times.

I think at least some of them were made at the stage when the news reports gave the impression that there'd been a power surge causing traffic disruption on the underground, and before it was realised there were fatalities. I know that's no excuse. I know that kind of xenophobic spiteful comment is wrong. But somehow, today, it seems important for everyone who isn't actively evil to try to get on with things.

Sorry, I realise that this seems at best trite and at worst condescending. it's not meant to be either, but I don't really know how to express myself. If eloquence descends later I will come back!

Paris, July 7, 2005

Post 6

petal jam

Martine just to agree with the others here about the non-jokes. As V says, some of the stuff came out before we know there was anything really bad happening, and could be genuine attempts at humour. Also there are those who got carried away over the last few days thinking up Sun style one liner retorts to M. Chirac. As for Mr A, I think we need to persuade Mrs A to stop the enfant- terrible vitamins.

petal jam

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