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FWT: "pas de bol"

Post 1


Literal meaning: no bowl. Or rather no 'arse', from "bol", slang for "cul", meaning luck.

Topical meaning : may the best man win , but for the French, "pas de bol"! = No luck.

Other related phrases:
"coup de bol", stroke of luck.
"te casse pas le bol": don't go to any trouble/keep it simple.

FWT: "pas de bol"

Post 2

Polly Tunnel

Hey Martine,

I'm so pleased you're back I've missed your little insights into the French language. Annie was asking where you where the other day. I presumed you'd taken a well earned rest. Hope that was the case and you're back with recharged batteries.smiley - hug

Commisserations on losing the IOC vote today.smiley - sadface I'm really pleased London won but I'm sure that Paris would have given us a games to be proud of. That's the way of sport I'm afraid - there always has to be a loser. Personally I think Chirac ruined Paris' chances with some ill timed criticism of Britsh food - he deserves to be given haggis for breakfast, lunch and dinner throughout the G8 conference. smiley - winkeye

Polly x

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