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"c'est complètement dingue!"

Post 1


Literal meaning: it is totally crazy.

Dingue has gone from being synonymous with crazy, nuts to meaning unbelievable, surreal. Much more used in everyday conversation than "fou" (mad)

Il est dingue ce mec = this guy is barmy
II conduit comme un dingue= he drives like a maniac.

Tu verrais son appart', c'est complètement dingue= if you could see her flat, it's awesome.
C'est dingue ce qui se passe = I can't believe this is happening

"c'est complètement dingue!"

Post 2

Polly Tunnel


- given that awesome is now common parlance for anything above average what do you think would be a good term for something that is actually "awesome" ?

"c'est complètement dingue!"

Post 3


Impressionant. Grandiose.

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