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Paris, June 15, 2005

Post 1


Tonight I am almost a free woman. The last papers have been marked and handed out and and I can relax until September 2. Not bad. I have given the first-years loads and loads of holiday work (reading the Merchant of Venice is just one of their duties) and they have a "culture générale" quiz the first week.

To-morrow we still have to decide who can stay on for the second year and who is not up to it and must look elsewhere. Tears and recriminations alas, though they have been given ample warning.

However I am going to find the Edinburgh novel on the door mat any day now and that will darken the horizon a bit. While others are lazing about in the garden I shall be locked up and battling with the English language. Lots of Burns and Auden.

On the advice of people at the Bull, I have been sending my sick friend gifts. She enjoyed the Fischer-Dieskau a lot. She finds it hard to read as her hands tremble too much. So I will try to find some essential oils, just to smell and look at. And a book of photographs. Suggestions welcome.

Paris, June 15, 2005

Post 2


Have you seen the recent Al Pucino film version of the the Merchant of Venice? We saw it with a friend several months ago and really enjoyed it.

Dougals and Sue

Paris, June 15, 2005

Post 3

Polly Tunnel

"Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge." - and sometimes dream come true.

Polly smiley - cool

Paris, June 15, 2005

Post 4

Bex (mustard)

Would she enjoying books on tape/CD?

Or, if she still enjoys reading herself, would she appreciate a bookstand of some kind? I know you can get them that sit on the table, or maybe an adapted music stand that she could put in front of her chair. I don't know if tabletop stands have any means of keeping the pages turned back, but a music stand would.

Paris, June 15, 2005

Post 5


I don't envy you having to do that - is there a quota, or would you be able to keep them all if they were good enough?

Paris, June 15, 2005

Post 6


They can apply to other schools with less rigorous standards, have a better time than if they stayed and get into the "grande école" that fits them. It is hard for them to accept that others are even more bright than they are. In 5 years' time, they will have jobs that will be just as good, though perhaps not the top jobs at once...
We get to keep the best so our results are very good so we attract the best.
There were a few tears but on the whole no surprises and the whole team of teachers agereed on each case, which helps.

Paris, June 15, 2005

Post 7


Books on tape/CD is a great idea. I'll see what I can find. She has music stands but I supose it is too depressing.

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