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FWT:"fermer sa gueule"

Post 1


Literal meaning: to shut one's mouth. "Gueule" is the word used for animals. Vulgar for humans.
More sophisticated meanings derive from the literal one.

Example 1
-T'as entendu? Bush père a dit un jour que les athées ne pouvaient pas faire de bons patriotes.
- Oui, il a vraiment perdu une belle occasion de fermer sa gueule ce jour-là.

"Did you hear that? Bush senior said that atheists couldn't be good patriots."
"Well, he lost a good opportunity to keep his mouth shut (and avoid making a fool of himself)"

Example 2
Un ministre, ça ferme sa gueule ou ça claque la porte.
Government members should either comply or resign.(literal : shut their mouths or slam the door)

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FWT:"fermer sa gueule"

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