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Post 1


Literal meaning: none
Everyday meaning: interjection denoting lack of enthusiasm and interest. Untranslatable(?).
- Et c'était comment l'épisode d'hier?
- Bof! Nul, comme d'habitude.

"And what was last night's eppy like?"
"Mmm, the usual cr*p."


Post 2

petal jam

Now here's a word I can translate! Best rendered by an range of (phatic?) sounds, including but not exclusivey limited to: throat-clearing,(Harumph) clicking or tutting, (tchaa), equivocating Hmmmm (pitched higher than usual), dismissive (poof), indignant (Huh) or sound effects using actual words e.g. we-ll or ye-es.

Seem to remember "bof" used every other sentence, usually disparaging.

Quiet moment before the crowd return from playing cricket, demanding drinks, ham sandwiches and exclusive use of the computer, the television and the Sunday papers.

petal jam


Post 3


In Scotland bowff means trash, rubbish, bad, cr*p...

As in:

Yon film wis jist bowff;

I left i' pairty weel afore midnicht cus it wis bowff;

Yon chipper supper wis bowff min;

Ach, it's aa bowff, ken?

Bowff can become bowffin'. The meaning is the same. This usage is however rare, as bowff is synonymous with boggin' and boggin' is the commonplace parlance.


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