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FWT: "un beauf"

Post 1


Literal meaning: brother-in-law (beau-frère) shortened in popular language to "beauf".
Current meaning; uncultured bigot, vulgar, sexist, unreconstructed MCP, vaguely wordlessly xenophobic. Not smart but not vindictive. A bit like Hyacinth Bucket's brother-in-law in fact.

This afternoon, F. came into the staff room to ask if anyone had a translation for "beauf" and we only had this long definition. So we came to the conclusion that the species was unkwown in Britain.

Also it seems to be a male thing. A small triumph in itself...

FWT: "un beauf"

Post 2

Polly Tunnel

un beauf me gonfle smiley - biggrin

I know that this probably has no meaning in the real world but to me it describes my B-i-L perfectly.

Polly smiley - ok

FWT: "un beauf"

Post 3


Eh you're a natural at this.

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