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FWT: "Il est vraiment chiant"

Post 1


Meaning: he is really annoying.
No literal translation; "chier" comes from the Latin cacare = to sh*t.
Various uses, not in polite company, as it is vulgar, but frequent in all classes of society. I would never have used it in front of my parents. Actually I had never used such words until I met my husband. As usually happens, he learnt slang first and gradually my defences fell and it became part of my usual vocabulary


"Il me fait chier ce mec"= this guy is getting on my wick

"Tu ne peux pas savoir comme ça me fait chier d'aller à ce dîner"
= You can't imagine how I loathe the idea of accepting this dinner invitation

"Shula est toujours aussi chiante?" = Is Shula as irritating as usual?

FWT: "Il est vraiment chiant"

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I enjoyed this entry, Martine. Your name has become a byword for French slang in my father's household!

I told them you were an internet friend. They are still sceptical about the value of internet friendships. But people who aren't netty types don't understand, do they.

I have a dear friend in Aberdeen, Francesca, whom I rarely see, but we're in very frequent (almost daily) email contact. We find that our friendship is broadening just through the frequent internet contact. We find that emailing is rather akin to telephoning.

Bons baisers,

Dagesh smiley - biggrin

FWT: "Il est vraiment chiant"

Post 3


Merci dagesh. Bons baisers à toi aussi.

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