This is the Message Centre for martine_s

the ethos of h2g2 and pre-mod

Post 1


This is just to point out that we were sold this place as the template of the cyber-communities of the future.

And then, just because the BBC is on strike, all hell breaks loose and people are on pre-mod unawares. Well, I was, for a start.

Now do I need to go to the Announcements page every day to know what's the Special? Can't h2g2 grasp the concept of a banner at the top telling people what is happening? If all Archers message boards could manage to go through the strike with slight time delays, no loss of contact, plenty of warnings on every page and NO PRE-MODDING at all, why is it so difficult for this supposedly more sophisticated platform?

And is it so hard to indicate who the monitors are? You get messages form rollo, molo, tolo, etc telling you things without any indication that they know what they are talking about or that they belong to the higher stratum of "researchers" that actually holds the place together, probably the more nerdy element of a sixth-form college.

"Everything you write is always part of the Guide" : well guys, get your act together, not all of us are 17 you know.

And while I am on the subject, may I draw people's attention to the truly arresting Guide Entry on French driving, which is seemingly held as a good Entry Guide, informative and "timeless". The idea that this entry will "always be part of the guide" says much about the Earth, the Universe and what not : good old xenophobic stereotypes of continental mores.

Disgusted of Paris.

the ethos of h2g2 and pre-mod

Post 2

Bex (mustard)

Martine, i know you're peed off, but FWIW when I tried to post on Monday I got a message at the top of the screen where you type your post to say that we were in pre-mod.

As for the other stuff, I'm inclined to agree: not the most welcoming reception to a new "researcher". Hey ho. Put it down to experience etc etc. I still think you should put your FWT into a full proper entry guide: surely they can't quibble with that! smiley - smiley My only addition would be literal translations as well as your interpretations.

KOKO or summat.


the ethos of h2g2 and pre-mod

Post 3


Hi Martine

I knew about the premodding, though can't remember how I found out. I know I was aware of it before the day of industrial action, so there must have been some flagging of it, somewhere.

Agreed, most of this was gratuitously offensive. If this place is seriously seeking to rival Wikipedia, it has a long way to go! Are you able to edit it, as a researcher yourself? I haven't looked at how one gets to edit others' efforts, even though there are several topics that would be right up my street (and where I appear to have at least as good if not better grasp of the subject than the person who wrote the entry).

How did you get people interested in and willing to comment on your journal? It would appear no-one has even looked at mine!smiley - wah


the ethos of h2g2 and pre-mod

Post 4


Hi there Bonsie - I've read your journal. I think it automatically appears in my Conversations list, because you are one of my Friends. Sorry I haven't commented - not really into Japanese lacquering - but please keep posting it, I find it fascinating to read the little details of people's daily lives. smiley - smiley

On a similar theme, I'm currently reading (very belatedly, it's been on my shelf for ages!) 'The Baghdad Blog' by Salam Pax. Do you know about it?

the ethos of h2g2 and pre-mod

Post 5

Polly Tunnel

Martine, Whay hey ! You're back. smiley - ok

I haven't read this and in the light of your comments I have no intention of doing so. British driving leaves absolutely nothing to be desired in my opinion . " First cast the mote from your own eye" I say. Only today I had to run for my life when a 4x4 came careering around the corner as I was crossing the road. smiley - wah

Please teach me some more French, smiley - biggrin


the ethos of h2g2 and pre-mod

Post 6

petal jam

Evening Martine. I am being very studious and intending to watch "Question Time" (BBC1) tonight. It comes from Paris to mark the run up to the Constitution referndum. Don't know who is on the panel - mixture of frogs and rosbifs I should imagine

petal jam

the ethos of h2g2 and pre-mod

Post 7


Thanks Bex, my ego has recovered and my mind is on higher things today.

the ethos of h2g2 and pre-mod

Post 8


Bonsie, you're on my list and I thought I had replied to your Journal. Sorry if I didn't because I certainly read it religiously. Expecting the next entry then.

the ethos of h2g2 and pre-mod

Post 9


Merci Polly, tu es vraiment une fille sympa.

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