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FWT: "foutre"

Post 1


To be used with moderation.

"Foutre" is outdated pornographic slang for sperm. De Sade would have used it.

But in common speech, it is synonymous with the innocuous "ficher": so "Il l'a fichue à la porte" (he sacked her) is more genteel than "foutue à la porte". But as you go up in hierarchies of power, "foutue" would be the best choice, straight language and all that. We use it in this household.

Other pleasing phrases (revision time, class)
1. "je vais lui foutre mon pied au cul" (I am going to kick him in the backside)
2. "j'en ai rien à foutre" (see if I care)
3. "va te faire foutre" (get lost/go to hell/fo f*** yourself) much more offensive than the third person "qu'il aille se faire foutre"(to hell with him), vulgar but unambiguous.

A euphemism is "fiche":
- "je vais lui fiche mon pied au cul"
- "j'en ai rien à fiche"
- "Fiche-moi le camp" (bugger off)

"Bien foutue" refers to a woman with a great body.

FWT: "foutre"

Post 2


Umm ... Martine, didn't you post this one yesterday (or am I dreaming)?

FWT: "foutre"

Post 3


Yes, dear Sherlock : as I wanted to correct a few typos, I had to delete the whole entry and enter it again.

FWT: "foutre"

Post 4


Oops, sorry!

Bonsie has just posted an article by Miles Kington on multi-word verbs which you (and your students) might find amusing if you haven't seen it before. The link is in The Bull, but you can also find it in Bonsie's conversations/messages.

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