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FWT: "c'est quoi ce bordel?""

Post 1


In the same very rich register of everyday language using words with sexual connotations. A "bordel" is of course a bordello. In current French, in this household, it means shambles, mess. It is synonymous with "pagaïe" (mess, untidiness, muddle).

It expresses strong frustration at something that doesn't pan out as expected, when your log-in is not recognised, or when your spaces/posts are lost in the ether.... This is what Peet would have said, while battling with his computer(s).

Thus "mais c'est quoi ce bordel" might be translated as : bloody hell.

When addressed to another person: What do you think you're doing? A row will ensue.

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FWT: "c'est quoi ce bordel?""

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