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FWT: "il a été très soft"

Post 1


We have stolen this adjective from English and use it in a very specific way, of someone showing moderation and restraint, and lack of exaggeration generally.
I heard this exchange tonight in the RER :
"Il a parlé avec modération. (his speech wasn't too blunt.
- Oui, il a été très soft." (yes he was very moderate)
Oh the joy of listening in to conversations!

FWT: "c'était assez hard"

Post 2


Meaning : It went rather badly.

Another word borrowed from English, which is used by the young and the less young to describe a difficult moment/meeting, with clashes of wills and egos. So :

"Alors, ta répèt'?
- Plutôt hard. La chef était furax."

"How was the rehearsal (répèt=répétition)?"
"It didn't go very well. The conductor (female)/choirmistress was livid."

Typical Friday night conversation over here.

FWT: "c'était assez hard"

Post 3

Polly Tunnel


I really wish that you had been my French teacher at school and then I might had developed an affinity for languages instead of a phobia.

I am really enjoying your little pieces but can't promise anything is sinking in.

Polly smiley - biggrin

FWT: "c'était assez hard"

Post 4


Thank you Polly. The sinking in is going on subconsciously I have no doubt.
Bon courage with(out) the ciggies.

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