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FWT: "saligaud"

Post 1


Slightly dated version of "salaud" (bastard), which nevertheless helps release frustrated anger at someone's malevolent pig-headedness and blinkered prejudices, even better than "salaud" which has been weakened by overuse. The three syllables help : emphasis on first syllable, a long "a", and pursed lips to express contempt.

FWT: "saligaud"

Post 2

petal jam

Martine you are whirling us through the spectrum of invective at a dizzying pace. Have shown your posts to offspring, who has French Oral Exam on Friday, and is quaking. He'll definitely work sympa in, but is doubtful about the violon or any bodily fluids etc.

Since it is the season, could you enlighten me as to the degree on the colloquial Richter scale of an expression ending "...d'asperge". I'm being cautious here just in case it's worse than I had thought.

petal jam

ps Have definitely come across salaud , but always "vieux salaud"

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