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FWT: "p*sser dans un violon"

Post 1


This phrase means literally to pee into a violin, and figuratively, to do something that is going to prove totally useless. So you could says that responding to trolls is like "pisser dans un violon", and achieves nothing.

Not elegant, but not obscene, in current usage in this household.

FWT: "p*sser dans un violon"

Post 2


This is really useful. All I was taught in French was how to say "the pen is on the table" and where the tourist information office/ hospital was and stuff like that which isn't really useful if trying to have a conversation in French.

FWT: "p*sser dans un violon"

Post 3


Better than what I was taught Moo, which largely amounted to asking French people if they could speak French,"pisser dans un violon" you might well say.

smiley - biggrin

FWT: "p*sser dans un violon"

Post 4

Polly Tunnel


How much more elegant the French " pee into a violin " is than the English equivalent "p*ss against the wall".

FWT: "p*sser dans un violon"

Post 5


The English phrases I'm familiar with are "pissing into the wind" (achieves nothing) "pissing it away" (wasting money on drink). If you piss into the violin don't you ruin it?

FWT: "p*sser dans un violon"

Post 6

petal jam


Quite. And the cost of violins today.

Seriously Martine, if I had read this unforewarned, I would have assumed there was an implication of despoiling something precious or of fine potential.


FWT: "p*sser dans un violon"

Post 7


We French are pragmatic, unsentimental people; we only mean it doesn't produce good music.

FWT: "p*sser dans un violon"

Post 8

Katy Tulip

Only just discovered these posts - Martine, I feel inspired!

Alas, a tad late on the violin front, I fear.

smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

FWT: "p*sser dans un violon"

Post 9

petal jam

Showed your piece to teenage fiddle-player (and gcse french candidate).
Response that maybe this was Stradivarius' long-buried secret. Don't try this one at home chidren.


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