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Paris, May 1, 2005

Post 1


Well the baggage has been delivered to her parents safe and sound : she ate voraciously and slept a lot, though not necessarily at convenient times. She grazed her knees but didn't cry once and has been a model of restraint re bodily functions.

We went to the local stables (a superior Shula-like establishment), and met our doctor coming out. We were able to go through the stalls and the little darling may yet turn into a true Alice (thought the parents won't countenance the piercings).

It was mostly too hot to play in the sun so I had to keep her in the shade with both glasses and sun hat on, as she is like a Rose Anglaise, porcelain complewion, fair-haired and blue-eyed (laser like). The temperature was amazing. and still is as I type here in a "marcel" and stretch pedal pushers, with all windows open. What is the world coming to?Son and dil happy with their week-end in Switzerland.

I read two rose books during the car trip and mentally redesigned a chunk of the garden. O/H is keeping his fire dry and saying "What a good idea darling". He's the one who'll do the heavy spadework.

It is a pity the French so rarely go in for open garden days (I remember Bean describing hers) : we only have them at the Journées du Patrimoine (Heritage day) in September and there's so much that is not open. A daydream is now coming on: I see myself as Jennifer, graciously receiving visitors like the Princess de Broglie at la Bourdaisière (resplendent in pink gardening wear this year) showing them my pet places, the Sissinghurst du pauvre.

Tomatoes in and O/H has produced ingenious frames with bamboo shoots.

Tomorrow we visit friends in the Bourgogne: she has helped draft recent legislation and we are naturally expecting to get all the dirt.

I miss the old ML of yesteryear with all these nutcases around.

Paris, May 1, 2005

Post 2

Bex (mustard)

Martine, there is an owl on its way to you.

Feeling rather depressed, so I think an episode of Pride and Prejudice is in order.


Paris, May 1, 2005

Post 3


Don't be. Think of poor Jane's little worktable with the creaking stair. She didn't have your opportunities.
The first time I quoted the famous "little bit of ivory", I was savagely telling off in ML, so rose-tinted spectacles perhaps.

Two episodes might work better...

Paris, May 1, 2005

Post 4


told off, sorry...

Paris, May 1, 2005

Post 5


You read in the car, martine? That would be guaranteed to make me carsick!

Sounds as if you had a lovely time, if rather exhausting, with your granddaughter - but isn't that one of the advantages of other people's children, that you can hand them back? smiley - winkeye

Just a teeny idiomatic correction - I think you mean that OH was keeping his 'powder' dry, rather than 'fire'. Hope you don't mind, but your English is so stunningly good, that I guess you won't!

Paris, May 1, 2005

Post 6


Thanks Annie, that's what I meant, but I must learn to preview...

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