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Paris, April 27 2005

Post 1


Back in Paris tonight to collect little granddaughter tomorrow... After four days hanging about not doing much work, I felt better and wielded the steam vacuum cleaners and did some Tidying Up and Clearing Away. By Sunday evening, I will be totally knackered but the little darling more than makes up for it.
Poor O/H is fighting a losing battle already with the grass whoch grows more quickly that he can mow it. Part of it of course is still clearing up brambles and nettles, which are already high. I've pulled up the first bindweed, in April! The cheek!
We've covered part of the river bank with green plastic to stop the spread of nettles and we are experimenting with forsythia as groundcover. A little man is coming (when? ) to clear up the banks but we had to take some preventive action. We protect comfrey and other weeds to use as plant food, even nettles. But we must be very rich of nitrogen with the poplars shedding their leaves for hundreds of years.
Nice to be back in Paris without having to go to work tomorrow.
A holiday is when you can't remember what day of the week it is and you do'nt really have to know...

Paris, April 27 2005

Post 2


I have a horrible feeling it's going to be a good year for the bindweed - mine is doing all too well...

Hope you have a lovely time with your granddaughter (are you still on holiday after her departure - so that you can recover?)

Paris, April 27 2005

Post 3


Yes, thank god : this is the French Easter holidays, which various French zones take in rotation so that ski resorts are never without punters. This year, we in Paris were last and so lost the connection with Easter...

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