This is the Message Centre for martine_s

R., April 24, 2005

Post 1


Well it's been an eventful week-end in the life of Mustardland. Who would have thought there was so much vileness and hatred in our little world. All for the sadistic pleasure of deceiving a group of people who share common interests and are the best focus group the BBC could ever dream to have. And free...

Then, being pestered by an obsédé sexuel is really not what one would expect. This sad person, as I told him once before had better stick to pornography. I would ban pornography without batting an eyelid, but if it could keep him occupied elsewhere then I would be prepared to reconsider.

And I am heartily sick of the crass jokes about popes past and present. I call it sheer cowardice as no such hatred is ever directed at other religions that may be quite as deserving of opprobrium, but political correctness and/or cherished prejudices reign.

But this was off set by a beautiful day in the garden, dividing hostas, desultorily weeding, lounging about in the occasional sunshine with The Brandons, sharing jokes with O/H and luxuriating in teh frist flush of the holiday. We've never had an Easter holdiay that late in the month and I was getting rather overtired.

Tomorrow the plumber comes. What joy.

Multiple thanks must be given to those sturdy ML posters who against all the odds and against all the mods gave battle and bloodied the enemy. Saint George would be proud (joke alert)

R., April 24, 2005

Post 2


My plumber returns tomorrow as well, indeed oh joy....

Though there will be joy when his work is finished - I just don't yet believe it will happen...

I'm glad I've been away and have missed most of the goings on in ML, though I echo your thanks to those who've been battling on our behalf,


R., April 24, 2005

Post 3

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - yikes

smiley - hug

R., April 24, 2005

Post 4


Mine went at noon having arrived at 7.30. Did a good job and cleaned after themselves.

How nice it would be to have a squad of professional pest-removers in ML.

R., April 24, 2005

Post 5


Martine, I do admire your journal; a refreshing oasis. I agree about the bizarreries of the last few days in Mustardland. I can't understand the behaviour of either/any of the trolls/sockpuppets: it seems such a lot of bother for what would, to most people, seem absurdly little gratification.

Ah well. So glad you are enjoying Thirkell. You asked for advice on order of reading. With hindsight, I wish I'd read in chronological order, for that sense of the tapestry unrolling over the years. But that's only an option if you have a full set (as I now do, thanks to the bad influence of Sharpers.)

Now, in minatory tone, I shall forgive you this once for trotting out "political correctness", but I give you fair warning that if you do it again I shall be in full hobby-horse rant mode. Mwah! Gaye

R., April 24, 2005

Post 6


PC? I use it twice a year no more but I was sorely tried.

I have finshed the Brandons and am starting on Wild Strawberries. Still I would like to know if Mrs Brandon and Noel come together eventually. The end was very teasing. I will have to buy hardbacks though as my notion of having it all in used orange Penguins is coming apart at the bindings...

Thanks for your friendship Gaye.

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