This is the Message Centre for martine_s

April 11, 2005

Post 1


Well it is to morrow over here but in this place, there's no clock so...
Will put myself to sleep with Five Red Herrings and what with the dialect,
it's like reading sanskrit.

More anon.

April 11, 2005

Post 2


I wouldn't put any secrets in here if I were you. Big Brother is watchng.

Ha ha smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

April 11, 2005

Post 3


My God, I see what you mean...

April 11, 2005

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

thanks for that lovely comment in TB just now, martine. I have gone all squeezy inside. I'm going to make mention of it in /my/ diary entry for this morning.


dd x

April 11, 2005

Post 5


Dagesh, Don't forget I'm watching what you write.

smiley - ok

Does this place close do you think !

April 11, 2005

Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

hi there! I don't know if it closes or not.

I'm busy composing a diary entry of my own. I will give you a mention!

dd x

April 11, 2005

Post 7

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Oh, dearhearts... this place never ever ever closes... smiley - smiley

April 11, 2005

Post 8



Apparently you can't just add on when you have the time, pity.

Uneventful car journey back to Paris, after week-end of marking and hootooing, O/H off to Arras to see eldest daughter and two granddaughters. O/H had it firmly pointed out to him how different men and women are in their communications skills; I draw a veil until I have developed a Pepys-like shorthand that only skilled biographers (hello Marie) can decipher.

Then I coached my cleaning lady's granddaughter, which is always fun though her knowledge of English is abysmal; on to petits soins de la personne and hairdresser's. Unfortunately no new magazines so no R...l W.....g pics. Shame.

Spent a lot of time interacting with various degrees of empathy with ML denizens. More tinkering with hootoo which makes me feel about a hundred.

Note to self: re-read Mansfield Park to try to do a Mrs Norris (thanks Angela...)

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