This is the Message Centre for petal jam


Post 1

petal jam

I am stumped.

I am eager to read everyone's opinions on the Mustard Boards on subjects from aldridge to zoomorphic, and perhaps to catch glimpses of personal experience which illuminate or shade the turns of phrase.

But it is precisely that which interests me: what can he/she of mustardlanders know who only mustardland know - to shamelessly mangle an elegant phrase. I suppose everything I need to know.

By the same token I don't think there's anything I want to say about myself except what I chose to say in response to general conversation. Just not a natural blogger.

What a killjoy!



Post 2

Sea Nymph

But interesting to see there are still people here.This has potential, no?


Post 3


hello SeaN...

I shouldn't be here - going on holiday in the morning, need to get up early - but I'm too curious at the minute...



Post 4

Sea Nymph

I can find messages as they're posted and the people I want to talk to.It's a lot less simple than ML, but it can work. I think.

Get to bed, or you'll be all cross for your trip.


Post 5

petal jam

Err yes and no, depending on how responsive the bbc-i team are to the mustard genre. Can't quite see the squire fannying about between "my Space" and the brown blobs in order to discharge his daily blunderbuss. I really would like to transport the full orchestra.

sleep tight .


Post 6


Yes Mister Nymph. Sleep well, probably see you sometime on Friday.




Post 7


This is realy odd, but I like it, strange cross connections!


Post 8

petal jam

In which case Phantom youare appropriately named for suddenly appearing through the walls

Btw, I may be strange and am frequently cross.



Post 9


Hmm..just a thought, but if we use it to find the people we want to talk to, and there's nothing wrong with that, but wouldn't it leave the risk of newcommers being ignored?


Post 10



Thanks for the tip PJ

smiley - wizard


Posted 40 Minutes Ago by oomchi

Oddly enough I've met and spoken to more new people since exploring these parts, I think it's because talking to one person so naturally leads you into other groups. smiley - magic


Post 11

petal jam

Moo I think you are at one of those stages in life when you are naturally open to others; at other times you have to withdraw slightly for self-protection and to respect others boundaries. As students we know the minutiae of each others lives, perhaps as a counterbalance to the "Big" ideas we are confronted with. In the work place however it would be impossible to operate by engaging with everything and everyone all the time. Others can find it threatening rather than charming!

Loved the interiors in your pad, btw. Would a similar effort require knowlege of html, or can you do-it-all with paint and cut and paste?



Post 12


Not sure I completley understand you point, sorry petal jam. I was trying to say that if this "Friends list" thing were used in ML mk2 then newcommers may make a really good point but have it ignored because other people just didn't see it.

The pictures are ones which h2h2 has designed or something, it isn't possible to but up your own I don't think. It is a special code called GuideML that it uses, which is a bit like html.

Not sure if this helps.



Post 13


Hi Moo

I'm fairly sure TB 2 etc will not have the Personal space thing and therefore no friends list. It will be a message board more akin to the Points of View board - though hopefully a good deal better.

You are right you can't post your own photo's etc and GuideML is a simple form of mark up language akin to html. Which you've obviously mastered!

LP smiley - bubbly


Post 14

petal jam

Sorry Moo I was trying to make two points:

1) agree that newcomers may not get swept into the conversation so easily because their posts are not immediately visible to everyone reading the board. Feels as though you have to be invited out to play.

2) think that you have made more contacts because of your personal qualities + current way of life (i.e. major friend-making times, welcome banners out on your page) as well as the different format in h2g2 which enables quiet chats in the study.

Can see that this format would suit some people very well. generally prefer sitting in the corner and watching the action myself.

petal jam


Post 15


I see what you mean now, thanks.

smiley - smiley

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