This is the Message Centre for moo

Good luck, Moo

Post 1


Just a quick smiley - goodluck before you give away the cable!

I hope the exams go well for you. How will you manage to keep in contact at university. My student daughter communicates with tutors etc over the net, even when she's home she's forever checking the college mail thingy!

Best wishes and good luck, moo!!smiley - smiley

Eilis smiley - peacedove

Good luck, Moo

Post 2


I can check my emails at the uni libary or on a friends PC.

Thank you for your good wishes, and hoping nothing bad happens to you.


Good luck, Moo

Post 3


Don't know if I'm doing this right but....

Good Luck in the Exams!


Good luck, Moo

Post 4


Hello, marms!!smiley - smiley

Eilis smiley - peacedove

Good luck, Moo

Post 5

H2G2 Mustardland Mustering Station

Hi Marms!

For some reason I can't start a new thread on your space... smiley - sadface

I happened to pop into Latest Messages in the Bull just now, and saw your mention of this place. I didn't know you'd registered, so I did a search with the H2G2 search engine, and hooray, here you are!

Anyway, I've added you to the main list of ML friends (if that's ok with you, I can delete it again if you'd rather). If you click on my posting name above, it'll bring you to the main ML List space, with links to the Bull Outhouse and so on.

smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

Good luck, Moo

Post 6

Katy Tulip

Fingers crossed from me too, moo!

smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

Good luck, Moo

Post 7


Hello, Katy

I'm the same with Marm's page. It's like it was with $quigs's. Is this because she was registered with POV or The Hub or something smiley - doh

Eilis smiley - peacedove

Good luck, Moo

Post 8


hello Katy

I'm happy to be on the list of ML friends, but I'm still trying to work out how this place works!!

I don't know why you can't start a thread on my personal space - should i have done something?

Hope you and the bulbs are well!


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