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8122nd of Moo

Post 1


What a night! I had two lads trying to tear chunks out of each other outside my window. From listening in a petrified state it emerges that Lad A thought he was seeing Girl A, turns out Girl A had just been caught with Lad B in her bed..oh dear.

Fight continued with Moo sat in bed listening and hoping no-one got hurt. Lad C came along and tried to break it up. Eventually the fight was broken up. Then Lad C came back to talk to Girl A, who had decided to sit right out side my window and whine a lot. Girl A then proceeded to say that she'd had enough of it, and that she only had one friend and that was Lad C, queue sound of Lad C and Girl A kissing. Good grief woman! That's not exactly going to help the situation is it!

By this stage the whole of my flat was awake with the noise so we decided to move them on, we opened my window, turned on my stereo as loud as it would go and played punk rock.

It worked, they moved and we all went back to sleep.

PS. Toothpaste, Tomato Ketchup and a Tin of Tuna.

8122nd of Moo

Post 2

Sea Nymph

I've always found leaning on the window sill and ironically applauding every plot twist works equally as well.What music did you play to make them shuffle off, mooch.I'll make a note of it in case I need it.

8122nd of Moo

Post 3


Not sure what it was called but it had a lot loud screaming in and no detectable words. I shall find out for you when my flatmate wakes up.

I have had people peeing on the wall just outside my window before. I have been known to open my curtains and wave at them. That seems to have stopped them.

8122nd of Moo

Post 4

North East Girl

We have found people cutting through from the front of the house around the side and out of the back gate and as the connecting area from front garden to back is quite dark it has been known for couples to make a pit stop there.

I've found that appearing at the window rarely puts them off, in fact they seem to get more enthusiastic,but cold water out the window or letting the dog out of the front door seems to work quite well as a deterent. smiley - biggrin

8122nd of Moo

Post 5


Into the breach again mooch! A one-woman posse! What an adventurous life you lead. How glad I am not to be living in hall of residence. You could try Berg next time.

8122nd of Moo

Post 6


Pity we no longer use chamber pots.

8122nd of Moo

Post 7


smiley - bubblyHello there Moo! This is my first-ever reply to someone on here ~ I first signed-on here about 10 days ago but have only just remembered my login name!

I'm glad you sorted those people out ~ it sounds like a very good idea to me! Maybe those making all the noise should try to lead less complicated lives ............................. tee-hee-hee!

Now that I've found out who I am, I'm thinking of perhaps starting to write a journal. However ~ I never do anything exciting, which anyone might like to read about. Does a journal HAVE to be true, or could I pretend to be somebody else doing outrageous things???smiley - smiley

8122nd of Moo

Post 8


You could write whatever you want in it. Might be a good idea ethically to either stick to the truth, or go so wildly OTT with it that everyone knows you are making it up. But there's nothing stopping you creating your own little fantasy life as a porn star if that's what you wish (I don't mean to be rude but if it's got to that stage, perhaps back away from the computer and get more of a real life).


8122nd of Moo

Post 9


I hope, for your sake, the accommodation you've got sorted for next year will be a bit quieter though I'll miss hearing about life in student residences...


PS is that your shopping list at the bottom? Hope so...

8122nd of Moo

Post 10

Katy Tulip

Snorkity snork, moo!

My best friend IRL works in a restaurant in Antwerp, and at regular intervals they invariably get some customers who linger over their pousse cafés, setting the world to rights till early in the morning. Tidying up the whole place, deserted apart from them and the hapless staff, even putting the chairs up on the other tables, nothing helps to get the message across that some sleep would be welcome. Until her boss, the owner, finally snaps and puts on Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. Never fails!

smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

8122nd of Moo

Post 11


Oh my accomadation for next year is in a lovely quiet road..we'll probably get told off for breathing too loudly or something.

8122nd of Moo

Post 12

Bex (mustard)

I used to volunteer in a charity shop. Come closing time we'd start to make noises: "we're closing now ladies and gentlemen!" etc. Then go to the back room and shout to the manager.... "where are the keys? I'm going to lock the door!". Walk down shop, loudly jangling keys. Make a big performance of shutting the door loudly and locking it as noisily as possible....

...... someone would /still/ be browsing the bric-a-brac or looking at a book!

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