This is the Message Centre for Eilis

Good Morning, All

Post 1


Hello everybody.

Don't worry, this is just a very quick "Good morning" to anyone out there who's interested!

I've a busy day ahead so I may not be around.

Special regards to Peet and Katy for all the hard work.

Here's some coffee smiley - coffee,tea smiley - teaand doughnuts smiley - donut for you all.

Peace, love and understanding!

Eilis smiley - peacedove

Good Morning, All

Post 2


Just coffee for me, thanks. At least you knew you had a busy day, Eilis. I was looking forward to a few slovenly hours but activities expanded to fill the time available. This included being pursued by Australians who were looking for family graves - I'm constantly amazed by people who come from the other side of the world in pursuit of something without making any kind of arrangements beforehand.
Suffice it to say that it was one of those surnames beginning with P/B which fill South Wales churchyards.
I am still reeling from the chap who asked a couple of weeks ago why the graves (over 4,000 of them going back many centuries) were not in alphabetical order!
Why am I rambling? Gwen

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