This is the Message Centre for Niff

Dazed and confused

Post 1


Hello dearest all,
I didn't write a journal entry last night because I was toiling away at an essay, now completed! All of my housemates have just poured themselves into a cab and will be out boogying (sp?) till the early hours. I feel totally knackered, can't wait to get to bed. After I handed my essay in I spent a lovely afternoon reading the paper, having a nap (which always seem to make me feel worse) and tackling the Grauniad quick crossword. I got all but one of the clues, very frustrating! I had a nice stroll into town, the city centre is always busier than I expect and the weather was warm, a faint drizzly mist clouding gentle springtime sunshine.

For those of you who were curious about awkward boy and me, there has been a development. I thought I had given him the brush off by way of a 'Yeah, whatever, have a nice life' kind of text. I slightly regretted this but I don't know how I feel about him so no big loss. But, he texted me, late last night to check I'm going to the party (of course I am you twit, it's in my house!), methinks he didn't mind my ice queen impression. So that's all a bit weird, he seems to like me, I feel ambivalent about him, I guess we'll wait and see!

Niff smiley - yawn

Dazed and confused

Post 2


Been dazed and confused
For so long it's not true
Wanted a woman
Never bargained for you

Lots of people talking
Few of them know
Soul of a woman
Was created.........

Over to you!

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