This is the Message Centre for Alys

Thursday 29 April 1999

Post 1


Today I discovered the International Star Registry (which will name a star after

you if you give them money) and (fortunately) also discovered that it's a bit of a scam [1]. However, this got me thinking:

- I now have a number: 29888 (The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy looked deep

within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined. [2]
- Stars are known by numbers (as well as names in some cases).
- If there is a star out there that has the number 29888, then that star is MINE.
- A web surf might give me a list of star numbers.....
- .... [some time later].... Well, that's 30 minutes of my life I shan't be seeing again.
Anyone out there got an online star catalog? Mail me! smiley - smiley

[email protected]


[2] I like The Simpsons! (

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Thursday 29 April 1999

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