This is the Message Centre for Ben The Hippy

YES! I found another hippie!

Post 1

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Hello isn't hippy world groovy smiley - smiley

Being new to the scene (about three days. and counting......) I don't really know but I *do* know that hippies is good

peace, love, freedoms, eternal happiness, beads, braid, and flowers

YES! I found another hippie!

Post 2

Ben The Hippy

Hey. Fellow hippy. Peace. Welcome to my corner of the site!

Liked your page, the 'Unknown' thing was cool. I'll overlook the Steps reference this once... smiley - winkeye

I haven't been on h2g2 for a wee bit cos of Uni work, and it's amazing how much busier the site is now! There's all this frantic activity. It's cool.

Feel free to drop by my mp3 page sometime. Hippy tunes. tho if you're into steps it might not be your cup of leaves boiled in water with milk (squirted out of a cow.)


BTH smiley - bigeyes

YES! I found another hippie!

Post 3

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

The steps thing has passed, it's savage garden, no doubt and madonna at present smiley - smiley. So I'll check out your mp3 page. When I get time..

About the Unknown..i didn't type it. My HANDS did. I can't take credit for things I haven't done smiley - winkeye Thanks anyway smiley - smiley

Aneeeeeeeeway how goes it. (strange twist there but hell)

YES! I found another hippie!

Post 4

Ben The Hippy

So if it was your HANDS, was it automatic writing, or are we just talking about lateral (sideways) humour here?

YES! I found another hippie!

Post 5

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

you've lost me.

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