This is the Message Centre for Ben The Hippy

Hey there!

Post 1

Ben The Hippy

Taking a break from an essay to say HELLO WORLD. Actually, I'm not taking a break from the essay, I'm taking a break from the process of procrastination.

I'm totally burnt out at the minute. The last ten weeks I've done a lot of Uni work and a hell of a lot of work on the music- lots of all-night writing and mixing sessions followed by days of recording. It sounds fab but I'm knackered! It's hard work doing so much of it yourself. I've been looking for bands again to get a better division of labour and more minds in the mix. (Any musicians out there?) It's all doing pretty well on, so *that's* OK.

h2g2 seems to be coming along nicely, don't you think? I get people stopping by every once in a while having kind of surfed on in. I can't wait for 2001, we should all be able to get palm-pilot style integrated browser/organizer/mobile phone gizmos (according to Tom's Hardware Guide.) and the US don't get them for another few years apparently (evil cackle.) That's pretty damn close to the original Guide...

Back to work. No, back to procrastination!

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