This is the Message Centre for Ben The Hippy

They all say it's Friday, but I know better!

Post 1

Ben The Hippy

Ohhhhh God. Sleeping on the floor no longer agrees with me. Just finished the play- which was very groovy by the way- did mad dancing things, fell asleep in the club, somehow made it half-way home, and woke up like this. as far as I'm concerned it's still Thursday: I'm having Friday cancelled due to lack of interest. Wake me when it's over.

Ever noticed what a weird life you lead when you're single?

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BTH smiley - bigeyes

They all say it's Friday, but I know better!

Post 2


I had noticed the single / weird connection myself - but always assumed it was unique to me? I take it it isn't then? smiley - smiley

They all say it's Friday, but I know better!

Post 3

Ben The Hippy

Nope, but I don't know if it's universal either! I think it's that when you're single there's no-one to check those moments when you say 'sod it, I'll have another drink /stay up all night/ take hallucinogens/ agree to sound-design another play/ form a band/ freak out!

OTOH, maybe it's just that two consciousnesses occupying a shared environment agree on 'how things are', thereby stabilising naturally occuring chaotic factors in life, collapsing waves of possibility in routine and certainty. more comfortable but perhaps less fun...

or it could be sexual frustration sublimating in an urge for adventure.


BTH smiley - bigeyes

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They all say it's Friday, but I know better!

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