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Post 1


who is a christian?


Post 2

Researcher 55674

Hey noBody, good to meet you. smiley - biggrin

A Christian is anybody who has trusted Jesus Christ to save them from their own sin. No other qualifications are really necessary.


Post 3



when jesus the christ said, follow me. did he mean we should follow him or did he mean take the path that he took to become christ?

did he ask his disciples to preach christianity or did he ask them to preach god?

did he say follow christ or did he say BECOME CHRIST?

(by the way i like the graphic on your space. its like one of escher's infinite loops) you can find his creations at [url removed by moderator])


Post 4

Researcher 55674

Yes! Escher Rules! If nobody gets around to it soon, I might have to produce an entry on the subject (I don't think there's one yet).

In response to your question, it is sort of a case where "both" is the best answer. Humanity can never fully become Christ, Jesus preached that he was equal to the father, a state that people are incapable of reaching (Jesus was God from the beginning). Yet in a figurative sense Christians(which means little Christ) are to be like
Jesus, and part of following Christ is becoming more like him.

Again, Jesus told his disciples to preach about himself. However, since Jesus claims equality with God, this amounts to about the same thing as preaching about God.


Post 5


the bible i believe stresses (from whatever little i have read) that jesus was born human. for 30 yrs he was unknown (we know very few instances of his life as a child). dont you think during this time, this human named jesus learnt about the father and then became christ (because he realized himself).

[[[btw have you been through what is called the gospel of thomas? the church does not subscribe to it of course. you can find it on the net.]]]

through all this (from being born as a human to being christ) don't you think this man jesus was trying to tell us that we can be christ too. that only if we become christ then shall we enter the kingdom of god.

and what makes you believe that humans can never 'COMPLETELY' become christ. if you can 'partly' be christ, what make you believe you cannot be christ completely. what is 'partly' in the sight of god? is being 'partly' christ not being christ.

since jesus was the christ when he started preaching. couldn't it be a possibility that he meant 'preach christ' when he said 'preach about me'???


Post 6

Researcher 55674

One main point is, Christ never did anything wrong. Since imperfection is a basic human condition, we cannot totally overcome that barrier.

Another is, Christ clearly died as a sacrifice for sins, this more than anything else makes him Christ. How could you be Christ if the sins of world are already covered?

(Yes, I am aware of both the coptic and infancy gospels of Thomas)


Post 7


smiley - smiley


Post 8

Researcher 55674

smiley - bigeyes

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