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Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 21

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Today I feel about 143!smiley - laugh Mainly to do with the dodgy smiley - pirate eye and the splendid rash I still have (It's too raw to scrub but there are still bits of the tape adhesive stuck to my face which is probably making it worse!!) I'm painting such an attractive picture, I know.........

Normally, 17 is my age! I stretch to 26 when nosy folks ask!

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 22


I have to explain how hard my life's been for them to beleive I'm that youngsmiley - cry

It was nice when I was young and could get into pubs well under age but now it's a big drawbacksmiley - wah

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 23

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

Bragging episode - beware!smiley - laugh

I got asked for proof of age in a Sainsbury's supermarket last year! I was only getting a bottle of wine to go with dinner! Hell, I felt great!

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 24


Funny that!

That's never happened to mesmiley - wah

I was in the pub one time and said to the barman that it was my birthday tomorrow, when he asked how old I'd be and I said 18 he nearly choked. I'd only been going in there for about 4 yearssmiley - laugh

Once he got over his shock he laughed and he didn't bar me eithersmiley - rofl

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 25

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

I do have the lovely experience (now I'm in my 30's, I appreciate it, I used to hate it when I was in my 20's) of looking about 10 years younger than I am!smiley - biggrin It's those wholesome Scottish genes and the 'baby cheeks'! To this day, my best mate still calls me Chipmunk Cheeks. smiley - laugh Used to get busted on many an occasion in pubs at the age of 16 but now I feel great about the whole thing!

Apart from the odd grey hair, DDD is a fairly youthful looking chap too so we look like a couple of teenagers going out sometimes!

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 26


Sometimes it's just soooo easy to dissssslike someonesmiley - grr

smiley - winkeye

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 27


Follow link and just hold cursor over the Yahoo Logo

You might like this Deaks

It's smiley - silly

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 28

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

smiley - laughHow cool is that penguin!

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 29


I thought you might like that smiley - laugh

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 30

aka Bel - A87832164

Sorry to stomp into this journal, but I see DDD has gone missing, as have his edited entries, his conversations, personal space, everything, and I'm worried, I wonder what's going on, and why he has left. smiley - sadface

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 31

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

He's OK, B'elana. Probably in the pub with his sister who's visiting us for Christmas!smiley - ale

He's looking at other stuff at the moment so he may be back, or he may not be.

Our first experience of the Portuguese health system.

Post 32

aka Bel - A87832164

Thanks Deakie. smiley - smiley
Tell him I'll miss him, especially in the telegram game - it wouldn't be the same without him (I bet the other telegrammers will miss him, too!) , so I really hope he'll come back.
Have a great christmas and a good and happy new year! smiley - hug

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