This is the Message Centre for pudsey_guider

Hi Pudsey_Guider

Post 1

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Greeting's new researcher I am your Friendly Neighbourhood Reefgirl I am a Community Assistant Editor aka ACE and I'll be your guide on this trip around our community, anything you need to ask just call and I'll be pleased to point you in the right direction or answer any queries.
You may like to try some of these places on your first trip out and about

A868098 I'm new what do I do

A53146 h2g2 welcome page

A690518 & A2669051 Spicing up your Personal Space

A155909 The Smiley Page

A719840 Hints and Links for new reserchers

A692741 The h2g2 picture libraby

A214796 The ACE home page

Have a read of our own paper called <./>ThePost</.> smiley - thepost, also you can find a list of some of our clubs and societies here A660340, keep checking The Post for updates.

A187229 Is the Guide ML Clinic where any answer you have about links, pictures and any of the other fancy stuff you see around will be found

If you ever need a friendly ear come to my Personal space here U190551 for a chat and smiley - teaandsmiley - cake

Most importantly HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you around

smiley - love Reefgirl smiley - surfer

Hi Pudsey_Guider

Post 2


Hi Coral smiley - smiley

Thanks for the welcome, I found your information most useful, and as I'm a craft fan I found my way to the Craft Forum. I may get around to dropping into the Tea Shop, but not just yet, as I'm supposed to be doing some coursework at present.

P.S. Also Sci-Fi fan, so may see you around the SG


Hi Pudsey_Guider

Post 3

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ohh nice to see you, I'll look forward to meeting you in various places

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