A Conversation for The h2g2 Community Consortium
For sure
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Started conversation Jan 24, 2011
I'm deffo up for a subscription service h2g2, but does anyone really have any idea how much it costs in time and money to keep a site like this online? DNA apparently bit off more than he could chew, and he wasn't exactly short of cash.
We have an enormous range of technical skills among the Researchers, plus a whole load of people who have already shown their support for h2g2 as the various volunteers. What are the chances of keeping it running for minimal costs? It would have to be hosted somehow, which means relying on outside servers without dedicated people like Jim Lynn to stay up all night when something falls over. Would we need to form a company to protect name and content?
So many questions.
For sure
Z Posted Jan 24, 2011
So many questions, we can form a company, or a chairity even. If we're offically not for profit, we could publish our accounts.
Lots more people have done this since h2g2 started, you can rent webhosting space, we cna find out how much it costs then put together a proposal..
For sure
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Jan 24, 2011
I think a not-for-profit structure would be vital, if we were to convince anyone to contribute to costs.
For sure
Baron Grim Posted Jan 24, 2011
While I don't think a pure subscription service would be feasible a freemium structure might be.
I'm personally not adverse to advertising, it's ubiquitous anyway. But I'd have no problem doing as Reddit does. They offer a "gold" membership to folks who donate a minimum amount regularly. The only real perks they get are first crack at upcoming site wide features. Mostly the incentive is community support and prestige.
A simple badge might be enough encouragement for many around here.
For sure
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Jan 24, 2011
Subscription-only wouldn't work in the long term. Right now there's a groundswell of people who want to save h2g2 and will put up money (as a subscription) and their own resources, but over time that will fade as older members dwindle and the current impetus is lost, so some form of advertising or sponsorship would be inevitable.
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