A Conversation for Dragons

Save the Dragons

Post 1

Researcher 241435

Of course dragons exist! They are however, endangered because of the frequent attacks of knights. That is why theye is a foundation, called 'Save the Dragons.' You may join by visiting this site: www.geocities.com/SoHo/3886/dragons.html
It is atrocious how we have shown such violent prejudice against the species in the past, and now is the time to stop! So join the cause and help bring back one of the world's most noble creatures. Who cares if they reek of sulfer?!

Save the Dragons

Post 2


I think it is too late. Maybe the dragons have all gone extinct? I have not heard from them for awhile. Or maybe the dragons are in hiding? I bet dragons are afraid of technology... and planes have got to REALLY bug them. I mean, no dragon can breathe fire like our military can.

I think you missed the boat, buddy. All the knights have gone out of business. Since there are no more dragons to kill, we'll have to just settle for kelling eachother.

bionicSlug: Dragonslayer For Hire. Will For Work Food.

Save the Dragons

Post 3

just another number

Nah, I know they're here in Wales somewhere living off sheep, I've just to find them...

Save the Dragons

Post 4

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

no they have assumed human form thet they learned of the wiches in th 9th century

Save the Dragons

Post 5

Rwth of the Cornovii

I think they are bored by modern politics. But when Global warming hots up a bit, they will fly again.

I am interested in them, but am not keen in providing lunch. Not much to eat from their point of view. Too much from mine.

Save the Dragons

Post 6

kipperonthefloor - Make sense? What fun is there in Making sense?

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