A Conversation for question

Writing Workshop: A152173 - question

Post 1


Entry: question - A152173
Author: Researcher 55154 - U55154

skirtless lasses

A152173 - question

Post 2

Kat - From H2G2

Hi there and welcome to h2g2. Hope you're finding your way round fine. This isn't the right place to ask your question however, the place to do this sort of thing is <./>Askh2g2</.>. Take a look at it before you post though.

In the meantime could you take this entry out of the writing workshop please? To do this you need to go to the main forum page (link at the top of this page), scroll down to the list and find your entry. There should be a 'X' or 'remove' next to it. If you click this then your entry will be taken out of the workshop.

If you decide that the entry isn't worth keeping because it wasn't what you really meant to do then you can delete the entry by going to the edit page, scrolling down, and clicking on 'delete entry'.


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Writing Workshop: A152173 - question

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