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House proud Lil (Poem)
Researcher 1251849 Started conversation Jan 14, 2005
Lil is a lady
who ain't too bad
but a spot of dust
drives her mad,
Where she's been
you just can't stand
she was born with a duster
in her hand,
There ain't no flies
on house proud Lil
she's one of them
who can't sit still,
No bit of dirt
can ever sittle
cause Lil is always
on her mettle,
You mind you've got
to be discreet
with where you tred
with dirty feet,
There's lots of people
as you know
who's house is only
there to show,
But most folks soon
have their fill
if they're followed around
by house proud Lil!
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House proud Lil (Poem)
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