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kind words

Post 1


i love your comments on my work!

you seem to have a knack of seeing the positive..... and treating the shortfalls with kindness...

yes, i look at a wide range of issues ... but that's how my life seems to have gone (and ut's been a very long life so far!) ... i am a mental butterfly and i seem to float into a lot of thought streams.... and into a lot of conversations with friends, clients, strangers, relatives etc ..conversations that intrigue me and make me ponder on the "what if?" of being and growing ... and stagnating and dying.....etc

smiley - cheers

kind words

Post 2


No, Ian, you are far too kind. It's we who should thank you for your most interesting works.

smiley - zenI have noticed a certain metamorphosis in your writing. But, floating like a butterfly and possibly stinging like a bee would explain it

smiley - magic

kind words

Post 3


there may be metamorphosis... though i'm not sure what the date order of all the stuff is .....though it's not, i don't think, the order in which i put them on here .. some are very old ... some not so old.... but i can;t for the life of me remember which is which!

smiley - erm

kind words

Post 4


I see

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