This is the Message Centre for chorlton


Post 1


Hi Vicky

I've been with hootoo for quite a long time, but I've never discovered how to find anybody's space apart from clicking on "Who'se Online"

I know by clicking on a name on a message I can get to their page, but if that person doesn't post, is there any other way of finding them?

Hope you know what I mean.

When we first joined hootoo it was to get away from somebody and we just used to send messages to our "friends" really, so I've never delved into all the opportunities.

Hope you can help.


Catharina XX smiley - zoom


Post 2


Hi Fly smiley - hug

You can find someones name by typing it in the search h2g2 box at the top corner. I've found a few by looking at othere peoples friends lists but thats a bit slow. I don't know if they have a space if they haven't posted on h2g2 (i'e only on the r2 site). I'm still a bit confused smiley - erm

How did you send me a message from dna? i thought I was in trouble smiley - laugh Can you do that to people who don't have a space (so it turns up on the conversations list in r2) Does this make any sence or have I just confused you more!!! Time for smiley - tea I think!!

c xsmiley - kiss


Post 3


smiley - doh I've just realised that you'd put DNA as the title of the thread smiley - doh maybe I'm not the best person to ask smiley - laugh

c (hiding!)

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