This is the Message Centre for Sporkulious Eglon

Very cool!

Post 1


It's a hoopy Hitch Hiker picture, Man!

Very cool!

Post 2

Sporkulious Eglon

Thanks... glad you enjoy my many hours of turmoil so much.

I'll second that... love the site..

Post 3

sassy gal

you have a very creative mind..thanks for such an interesting site...perfect day to visit..Halloween..but sense there is a difference in time likely have missed your party.. :- (

I'll second that... love the site..

Post 4


you must not be used to h2g2 time my dear smiley - winkeye
parties in this time zone go on forever smiley - bigeyes
monsy smiley - fish

I'll second that... love the site..

Post 5

Sporkulious Eglon

Indeed... there are some birthday parties that have outlived the person they were thrown for! smiley - smiley

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