This is the Message Centre for Plum Linden


Post 1

Plum Linden

Advil now works. Am enjoying rare lapse of freedom from pain. Iron Lady II still won't call Dr. Suspects conspiracy. Is perhaps paranoid. Maybe it's the pills.
Day 17.


Post 2


Here's hoping your headaches don't come back. If they do, I really do think you should get to see the doctor sooner rather than later.

Stay lucky.


Post 3

Plum Linden

I'm sure they'll come back. It's just the Advil, and it's wearing off. And I know I should get to a doctor. I should set up an area where all my friends can tell the Iron Lady II that I should go to the doctor, because she won't call for some odd reason (don't get me started on what conspiracies might be the reason for this). I'm tempted to, and I will do it if she doesn't call soon.

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