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Time is an illusion...

Post 1


...but the phone bill isn't. My bed is starting to seem like one, and I wish that all the studying I've got to catch up on was, not to mention the exam. I've got to get some sleep (what sort of people surf at this time of night/morning?) But then, time is an illusion...

Time is an illusion...

Post 2


Somewhere floating around time/space/whatever is a petition to abolish time... If you can catch up to it, you sound like a perfect candidate to sign it. smiley - winkeye

Time is an illusion...

Post 3

Chaotic mass

whoops! We wrote about nearly the same thing! Actually we both used time as a subject in a journal, There are eight hundred eleven bilion thirty two trillion trillion ninety three million seventy four nonillion fifty nine centillion four thousand sixty two hundred twenty one possible subjects for a journal, so what are the odds of us using nearly the same? Well... pretty good, but I thought I'd let you know that I wasn't copying.

Time is an illusion...

Post 4


Pegasus.. Where are you?

Time is an illusion...

Post 5


Lost in time.....

I'm here... where are you?

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