A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What is the point?

Post 1


Hi. Just out of curiosity, what exactly am I supposed to do? After several hours of searching through stuff, I have found absolutely NOTHING on the guide entries. All I know is that I have to write some. What are they supposed to be about? What's the point of my home page? What do I do? HELP! Could some very responsible person PLEASE tell me what to do and how to do it? any help would be appreciated.

smiley - smiley

What is the point?

Post 2


Okay..first: move your little arrow on the screen to the little "don`t panic" on this page and press your finger on the first button of your mouse. smiley - smiley
This is where you find all you need to know.

What is the point?

Post 3


Thanx for the help
Sorry to be such a pain
smiley - smiley

What is the point?

Post 4


Guidelines for Submitting Articles:

Guidelines for Subeditors:

Index of Unwritten Guide Entries:

Index of Guide Entries That Need Rewriting: http://www.h2g2.com/A237241

Instructions for using GuideML:

Bruce's Clinic:

GuideML Directory:

Hope that helps. smiley - winkeye

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