This is the Message Centre for Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

Welcome TO DLB

Post 1


Hi There Elwyn,

That sounds like a lovely lord of the rings esk name, (forgive me if you dont like it, im actually a fan).

Anyway im just letting you know ive approved your membership to Dead Letter Box, you will find most of us hanging about on the conversation thread past the watershead. If you have any work you would like reviewing post it up there.

Hope to see you on site soon, and that your fantasy epic is going well. Any chapters written yet?


Welcome TO DLB

Post 2

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

It was done with the intention of Lord of the Rings in mind. I'm a fan too.
Thanks for having me. 2 chapters under way so far, lol!
smiley - tea

Welcome TO DLB

Post 3


Sounds good. As i said if you want any feedback post a link up on main thread or let me know where it is, and ill draw peoples attention to it.

Welcome TO DLB

Post 4

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

great, will do. I've written two storys and two more under construction (ain't they all?) but i'd love it if you ever get the chance to review any of my ramblings and give mean comments (they're more fun to read). Thank you.smiley - magic

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