A Conversation for Computer Animation, or "how the hell did they do that?"
Make Dinosaur
snoom_haplub Started conversation Nov 24, 2004
Nice, balanced article, good comment about the importance of a believable storyline. It must have been tricky to do a piece like this without wanting to put illustrations in all the way through!
Make Dinosaur
georgezilla Posted Nov 25, 2004
Did I indeed succeed in that department? I was indeed rather concerned that I had peppered the article with too many unnecessary little images of geegaws. Thanks!
Make Dinosaur
snoom_haplub Posted Dec 8, 2004
Less is more. If somebody really needs to find out what a "sphere" is, then they're looking in the wrong place. On the other hand, a picture is worth many words, and you chose some good ones.
Make Dinosaur
Spynxxx Posted Dec 17, 2004
I'm left with a new appreciation of the complex effort that goes into such works. I certainly won't be leaving my day job! And best of all, I now officially know more about this process than my buddies. Well done.
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