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Where's Jaymar gone?

Post 1


I was looking forward to that, and he's disappeared from your portfolio. Why's he been pulled out, may I ask? I thought that story was going very well indeed.smiley - sadface

Where's Jaymar gone?

Post 2


Oops sorry Ishamel. I moved it to WritersDock, because so many are exodusing there. I will reinstate on BBC this evening.
smiley - ok

Where's Jaymar gone?

Post 3


Justa thought... if so many people are moving to writersdock, then what happens to get writing when no-one's on it anymore? It closes early. Methinks. Just a thought. I myself shall stick here out of habit until the walls begin falling around my ears. Thanks again for posting jaymar again.smiley - smiley

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