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~ Why do I wish people "Happy Holidays" ~
Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense Started conversation Dec 13, 2015
~ ~ ~ ~ December, 12, 2015 ~ ~
Because from 1 November to 15 January there are approximately
29 holidays observed by
7 of the World's major religions.
And I don't think mine are the
only ones that count.
~ Why do I wish people "Happy Holidays" ~
Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Dec 13, 2015
>>Because from 1 November to 15 January there are approximately
>>29 holidays observed by
>>7 of the World's major religions.
I can think of 4 Christian holidays;
All Saints Day,
and Epiphany.
(Thanksgiving is unique to the United States)
The Canadian Thanksgiving is a month earlier, and out of our range.
The Eastern Orthodox Epiphany is a different celebration with the same name, on the same date.
New Years, I think it is more of western tradition.
The Jewish have Hanukkah, and maybe the Jewish new year?
I think Chinese New year also falls in this period.
The Scots have Hogmanay.
The African Americans have Kwanzaa.
I have, maybe, listed 11 of the 28, I may have missed a few I know about.
Why is it offensive for anyone to share their cultural holidays? I would love to know what they are and a little about their meaning and the people who celebrate them.
'Happy Holidays' may be simple and concise, but I would much rather learn about other cultures, and share my own - without any expectation of 'converting' others to my belief.
Just another thought, could you eventually share you complete list?
~ Why do I wish people "Happy Holidays" ~
Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense Posted Dec 13, 2015
OH! Dear ! ~ ~ My complete list ? , Dear Sailor, I am stuck for an answer. . I should have given credit to Diana Ranslam. Who ever she is. I stole this from a dear friends Facebook page. Because I liked it. It does say 'approximate', tho
It is the idea that counts <> the spirit <>
>> Happy Holidays followed by 'but' and 'rather' . . ?
.... I want it both ways. ...
Yes, I also want to learn of others culture & customs.
~ Why do I wish people "Happy Holidays" ~
Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Dec 13, 2015
This could maybe make an excellent edited Entry, but I might expand it to cover the whole year as November 1st to January 15th seems (without looking) to favour the western world. At least the northern hemisphere winter solstice.
First, what are the seven major religions?
Roman Catholic
Eastern Orthodox Catholic
Protestant Christian
It seems we are missing several such as
Shinto (Japan)
Pagan (although the many sects might prove problematic, maybe just Druid, or Wiccan?).
Mormon and Seventh Day Adventist probably have several of their own.
I don't think there are any Atheist or Agnostic holidays as such, but there could be, I never thought to look.
I think we should exclude any 'Saint days' as there are too many to celebrate each one, but then again we might include national saints such as St. George, St. Patrick, St. David and St. Andrew. These might be a little UK centric, but maybe others could add to the list.
Back in the old days we used to produce 'Collaborative Entries' with a dozen or so Researchers in the credits (each providing a paragraph or two on what they were familiar with). Do you think such a thing might be possible today?
Are you interested?
We could start a thread in ask to see what others think, or maybe a challenge to 'Create', although this will be more than a month long project.
~ Why do I wish people "Happy Holidays" ~
Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense Posted Dec 13, 2015
OH, darn. wrote a response and it did not go through. Have to do it over. Yes, I was wondering if some one would wonder in and add to the list of Holidays between Nov. 1 & Jan. 15. ? Thanks for your list of Religions. It would be interesting to have an entry about each. 3 of their main holidays. Mormons , what do they celebrate? I never thought about it. Catholics have several for Mary. Feast of the assumption in August. But mainly it means going to church or it is a sin not to. I don't think Jehovah's Witnesses have any. Seems a bit extreme. except their wedding anniversary, I think. I think a woman somewhere must of had something to do with that.
All in all when you add them all up there are too many Holy Days and Holy Places.
~ Why do I wish people "Happy Holidays" ~
Florida Sailor All is well with the world Posted Dec 13, 2015
Yes there should be an Entry for each holiday. I wrote one myself at A87847744 for Epiphany.
I will have to search and see how many others we already have.
In the US we only use the word 'holiday' for a day off work for a special occasion. Personal time off for travel or resting at home is listed as a 'vacation'. In the UK both seem to be listed as 'holiday'? Is there a term to differentiate the two?
An index page would be a good thing to make searching easier.
Can we really have too many excuses for a day off work
I remember as a kid we used to have a Catholic school just down the street from our public school. Every few weeks the Catholic kids would smile and wave as we trudged by, as they had the day off to celebrate one saint or another
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~ Why do I wish people "Happy Holidays" ~
- 1: Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense (Dec 13, 2015)
- 2: Florida Sailor All is well with the world (Dec 13, 2015)
- 3: Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense (Dec 13, 2015)
- 4: Florida Sailor All is well with the world (Dec 13, 2015)
- 5: Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense (Dec 13, 2015)
- 6: Florida Sailor All is well with the world (Dec 13, 2015)
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