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Dare to Risk

Post 1


Somehow I can`t get this poem out of my`s so true.

Dare to Risk

To laugh is to risk
appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk
appearing sentimental.
To reach for another is
to risk involvement.
To expose your ideas,
your dreams, before a crowd,
is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved
in return. To live is to risk dying.
To believe is to risk failure.

But risks must be taken,
because the greatest hazard
in life is to risk nothing.

The people who risk nothing,
do nothing, have nothing,
are nothing.
They may avoid suffering
and sorrow,
but they cannot learn, feel,
change, grow, love, live.

Chained by their attitude,
they are slaves;
they have forfeited their freedom.
Only a person who risks
is free.

Author Unknown 

Risky business

Post 2


How true.

(I think there should also be a line about risking an extreme phone bill).

Risky business

Post 3


Phone Bill, Schmone Bill

Risky business

Post 4


Yeah? Git bak an' solv that lyric!

Risky business

Post 5



Risky business

Post 6


Apple flavour fizzy drink. Coincidence? I think not.

Risky business

Post 7

Aburgcity Guy

phone bill and apple flavour fizzy drink??? I hope that's not all you risk???

Risky business

Post 8


..I`m not risking fizzy drinks..

Risky business

Post 9


Go on ... dare to risk.

Risky business

Post 10


We`re speaking about my fizzy drinks...
Well, on the other hand, I`ve got some ice tea left.

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