This is the Message Centre for mammamaia

Input from here and in the States

Post 1



Just to clarify my comment to you on the 'binding' thread.

Everyone welcomes knowledge here but, as someone who tries to read carefully between the lines, I have to say that your manner comes across as a bit superior.

In some perverse way, if you are more knowledgeable than others here you almost have to be more humble. That's how it seems to work.

Case in point: in a thread I started about the website hollywoodlitsales you commented that twoadverbs is best.

No it's not. 'In your opinion' twoadverbs is best.

These words to you are spoken as a friend. Remember, it always looks 10 times worse in writing. People can't see you smiling or speaking with a gentle voice.

I hope you continue to post interesting stuff for us Brits, here.

As far as I'm concerned you're very welcome.

Love the Ghandi quote, by the way. I work for a large global company in their Communications Department - as a PR. I'm handling the internal coms for the change programme here at the moment. Think I'll use Ghandi's words next time I have something to say to the troops!

Best, Clare

Input from here and in the States

Post 2


Gandhi. Ooops!

Input from here and in the States

Post 3


dear clare...
i'm so sorry to have not replied sooner, but never thought to check the pms, as i invite all to email me 'at home'...

i appreciate your candor, but to me, all one posts is so clearly one's own opinion, that i don't find it necessary to always add 'imo' or whatever... if that is 'done' here in the uk, however, of course i'll honor local custom...

on all the us boards/forums i monitor daily, it's a given, so we don't have to qualify every single post... my heartfelt apologies if failing to do so offended you or anyone else...

i'm glad you liked the gandhi quote and will use it... it's a dictum that if followed by more of us, would surely diminish the evils of this human-made world... in my humble pinion, that is!smiley - winkeye

love and hugs, maia
[email protected]

Input from here and in the States

Post 4


Thanks for your reply. Nice to hear from you.

Best, Clare

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