This is the Message Centre for Kate Schechter (Back on the right side of the pond)


Post 1

Fredward Headboard

Hi Kate just passing and stopped to say hello.
You know I never met a bad looking girl called Kate which is slightly strange. But if thats not your real name I will say no more about it.
In relation to Pink Floyd they are a good band alrite I like one of their songs especially but can't remember it's name but it goes dum dumdum duuuuum and has the line "so you think you can tell...

it'll come to me. anyway thats all bye bye


Post 2

Kate Schechter (Back on the right side of the pond)

smiley - wow That would be "Wish You Were Here", from the album of the same name (which is very very good)... And pleased to make your acquaintance...

And no, my name isn't really Kate (sigh) but that's ok... Still look the same as I would if it were, don't I? smiley - winkeye




Post 3

Fredward Headboard

Ah yes I knew it! I just coudn't remember it, which also happens to be my favourite excuse for any other test of knowledge.

I supppose you probably look the same as you would if you were but the mixing of tenses has confused me slightly so I will agree wholheartadly.


Post 4

Kate Schechter (Back on the right side of the pond)

Always the safest bet, agreeing with me smiley - smiley That way you don't have to try and make sense of anything I say. That, in itself, is an undertaking I wouldn't recommend smiley - weird



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