This is the Message Centre for Kane_the_seeker

The unwanted usher

Post 1


I received a call earlier in the year to be in a friends wedding. I hadn't seen the guy in nearly 5 years. He was really scraping the bottom of the barrel. This is the 5th time I've been an usher or groomsman or whatever you call those guys. Officially, this was my last time. $100 for the Tuxedo rental, $200 for the 2 night stay in hotel room. $150 for food, beer and other essentials. $50 in gas. I'm now broke. If it wasn't for the fact that Christian is the type of guy that would do anything for you I would have said no. Being a good groomsman, I did manage to upset the mother of the bride. When I went to seat her, I asked her if she was with the bride or groom. Wow! I thought she was going to have a coronary. Tried to apologize and tell her that I just asked the last 30 people I sat the same question. She was so upset that when I went to escort her out after the ceremony she refused my arm. Her husband jumped in front of me and said "let me take her". SO, I went to the reception and got good and trashed. (snicker) Danced with the groom, did the YMCA, was in as much of the video / photos as I possibly could be in. Oh yeah, they won't soon forget Kane. When the bride's mom looks through the photos I would love to hear what she has to say about me. I wouldn't be so bitter if it wasn't for the fact that I was really trying to do a good job.

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The unwanted usher

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