This is the Message Centre for Kane_the_seeker

One Year Later

Post 1


Wow it's been a year since I was here. I just wrote a big long blog and accidentally deleted it. Just great! I will now sum up. My business partner was a crook, conman and all around jerk. I have another company that is doing much better. When people found out that I was not with my business partner anymore, my business tripled. Amazing! I now work from home, make a lot more money and work a lot less. No business scheduled today, so I guess it's a day off. I had an argument with my girlfriend on Friday and I think it's over between us. It's ashame, she is a good woman. I'm really not looking forward to dating again. I will now walk to the mailbox to see if anyone has sent me a check. I LOVE MY JOB!

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One Year Later

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