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Post 1

Beans on Toast

This reply seems to have gotten lost, so I have posted it again here. (It refers to that 'stand alone' spat.)

'Sorry L.M.
As you may have detected, I got a little carried away with this one.
I agree with the sentiment you express and am left as bewildered as you when it comes to cutting off age old ties with nations that have supported us so valiantly.

I thought I would take this opportunity to say my goodbyes. I wont be posting any more stories on GW. I have decided to bow out before the site goes into its death throws. I will still ‘pop in’ to read a bit.
I have enjoyed reading your reminiscences, and appreciate the nice things you have said about my scribbling.'

What's the reasoning bhind deleting works by the way.



Post 2


Hi Beans,
Thanks for the mail, you did not get carried away, you just did the job, if we can not stand a bit of stick now and again, we should not put it on review, as you have also said, "if it is not right, don't post it for review.
I hope that you keep a watching brief at least, and do not leave until the ship goes
down, if it does,??? and that alone will be worth watching.
About deleting, I learned a lot from you and your tidy ways, and if prepared properly you can not get caught out can you.?
I suspect that G.W. will be picked over like a Christmas turkey after closure, and if we delete properly it should not be recoverable, the editors say that it can not be recovered, but I think that they are probably wrong. I also think that I can delete better now, by printing a little text at the top of the deleted page and scrolling it down to the bottom, before publishing it, and then sending it back to our space.
Also I have learned that work can sometimes be recovered, when it is apparently deleted.
I have not seen your comments on review regarding my follow up to "Standing Alone."Although very accurate it is written tongue in cheek, just to see what I could get actually get away with, everything it seems. Only one crit from Raled and I had to push him into being a bit harder with it.
I shall just keep submitting one bit of work at a time, and delete before I put another one in Review, it took ages for me to learn to delete so I keep in practice all the time, learning every day. Now I am tidy too, I was in a mess when I asked you, I had put all my work in journal, then I was told that it could not be deleted except by the eds. I asked nicely and wham the lot went all at once.
Best Wishes.
Cheers H.
smiley - biggrinsmiley - runsmiley - magic

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